Often the back seat gives a sense of exclusion. why? because since small children are necessarily placed in the back seat! clear that security is the main reason for this, but ... for kids ... may mean that it is not so important. Does this affect that child's self-esteem? depends on the child and creating! And to ensure self-esteem ... nothing like using specific stones for it. Stones can be:Blue-lace Agate,Quarzto-rose, Larimar.
A Agata blue-lace tem um poder equilibrador junto à energia dos chakras transpessoais. Ela junto com a Larimar, pode ser usada para uma comunicação mais fluente com a criança-interior ampliando a alegria e a espontaneidade em nossos corações.
Blue-lace Agate has a balancing power with the power of transpersonal chakras. She along with Larimar, can be used for a more fluent communication with the child-expanding inner joy and spontaneity in our hearts.
Quartzo-rosa ensina o poder do amor incondicional; auxiliando a reconstrução e manutenção da autoestima e do auto-valor.
Rose Quartz - teaches the power of unconditional love; assisting the reconstruction and maintenance of self-esteem and self-worth.
O Larimar transmite a calma do coração, à paz da mente, integrando o amor com pensamento positivo. (fonte: "O Caminho das Pedras" - de A.Duncan)
Larimar conveys the calm of heart, peace of mind, love integrating with positive thinking.
O que fazer: Para as crianças, com baixa-estima, fazer uma Mandala com essas Pedras e colocar no criado-mudo do quarto dela. Isso para crianças maiores, porque é perigoso as pequenas colocarem na boca e engolir ! Cuidado, ok?
What to do: For children with low self-esteem, make a mandala with these stones and put on the nightstand in her bedroom. That's for older children, because it is dangerous to put stones in mouth and swallow! Careful, okay?